Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Random Ramblings. . . .

(From the Flora Christian, February 22, 2008 edition)

Unfortunately, due to sickness, we were unable to have the Leib Family concert a couple of weeks ago. But the good news is that the Leibs seem to be well, and we have rescheduled the concert for Sunday night, March 2, at 6:00 pm in the main sanctuary at FCC. There is no charge for the concert, but we will take up an offering for the Leibs. Let’s show our support for them and fill the sanctuary as full as we can that night. If we have more than 200 in attendance, Ben will shave his legs (not really, I’m just kidding!).

With Valentine’s Day in the rearview mirror, we’re marching toward March. Not only do we have “March Madness” to look forward to, but Easter is also in March this year. Since the holiday comes so early in the calendar this year, I just want to remind you to make plans to attend our Last Supper Portrayal on Thursday, March 20. Once again, 13 men will portray Jesus and His twelve apostles in a historical reenactment of DaVinci’s famous “Last Supper” portrait. We will conclude the portrayal with a communion ceremony served by the actors. Some new faces will depict the characters this year, so be sure and mark your calendars now so you don’t miss it.

As always, you can find information about things going on at FCC by logging on to our website at FCCFlora.com.

See you Sunday! Rob


Anonymous said...

I always love reading your articles! I wish you would write for the Advocate Press instead of Bill!

Rob Clifton said...

Bill works really hard at writing his articles. His insights contain more wisdom and experience than I have to share. I appreciate his articles. Plus, I have enough to do without adding one more duty to the roster!