Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What a Joke!

Is there any doubt as to why the world is laughing at the USA?

Did you happen to catch any of the Democratic cat-fight, I mean "debate," on MLK day on CNN? This is the party that wants to "restore America to it's dignified status in the eyes of the rest of the world." If those candidates (who are all either current or former US senators) spent as much time doing as they do campaigning and talking, this country would already be fixed and they wouldn't have to tell us how "broken" be are.

I just wish they would quit telling us that conservatives are causing this country to be diminished in the eyes of the world. When the world is afraid of us, it's because we are strong. If they are laughing at us, it's because we are weak. The CNN cat-fight just makes everyone laugh.

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