Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Kingdom Divided

(From the Flora Christian, January 25, 2008 edition)

I really appreciated Bill’s message yesterday on unity. Although we are a diverse group of people, with different interests and tastes, we can still be united against the true enemy. We all need to make sure that we remember who the enemy is—Satan. When we begin fighting amongst ourselves and seeking our own gratification rather than putting God first, we are actually becoming Satan’s ally instead of his enemy. A wise person once said that the funny thing about unity is that it’s always “the other guy’s” problem. We often think that we’re right no matter what, and that if there is division it must b e the other person’s fault. I hope you will join me in praying for true humility, which will lead to unity, which will bring us victory.

Men—don’t forget about the Men’s Retreat at Oil Belt Christian Service Camp coming up on February 1 & 2. If you can’t be there on Saturday, at least try and come out on Friday evening for the steak supper and the program. The cost is only $15, and you will be blessed by the music and the preaching as well as the food! Let us know by this Friday (January 25) if you plan to attend so that we can register you. If you have any questions or want to register, you can call me (662-7626—office, 843-7622—home) or email me (

One of the most famous quotes attributed to Abraham Lincoln is, “A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.” Few people realize that Lincoln was actually quoting Mark 3:24. Jesus had cast out demons from people, and those who were in opposition to him were saying that he could cast out demons because he was working for the Devil himself. Jesus told them that logic didn’t make sense, and then warned them about blaspheming the Spirit of God. Let’s be careful to be united in our efforts, and not “demonize” those who disagree with us. After all, a church divided against itself cannot stand either.

See you Sunday! Rob

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