For months, I have been mocking liberal, fascist Senator Barack Obama and his family heritage. Of course he can't help it that his name is "Obama" and that his father was a radical muslim, or even that he got caught refusing to place his hand on his heart during our national anthem (I'm sure it's just an oversight- maybe he doesn't know that's what we do. . . .). And this week, the Hillary Clinton campaign (who doesn't believe in "negative" campaign tactics) released a file photo of Obama in Africa wearing tribal garb including a turban.
I'll be honest with you: I am not really worried about Obama's religious beliefs or whether he'll be easy on the Islamic extremists. He claims to be a Christian, or have been a Christian, or something. Plus, he's much too clever to let Osama bin Laden move into the White House or sleep in the Lincoln bedroom. That room will be taken by Oprah and her minions.

I'm much more worried about what we DO know about Obama: he's a LIBERAL FASCIST. He thinks he's the only one who can save our country, and our world. He thinks that Americans are too stupid to take care of themselves, and he's warming up the white horse right now so that he can ride in and save us from ourselves. If we elect him, he has led us to believe that we will be hopeful again about our future. A future I'm sure that includes a cure to global warming, the end to fossil fuels, vegetarianism, free health care, a gun free/violence free world, and smarter, better looking babies.
This guy thinks that he can take care of me better than I can take care of myself. And, he thinks that he can do that by using the vast power of the United States government. I just hope they can do it with all of the success that congress has handled the House Bank or the federal government has handled taxes and social security. God help us, please!
That photo was taken in downstate Illinois (Metropolis, ironically), and I'm sure hundreds if not THOUSANDS of people have similarly posed in front of that statue. The difference is, MOST people don't think that they ARE Superman!
Again, the reason why I posted the Superman pic is because of the irony. Every time I see this guy on tv, I get this wierd feeling in the pit of my stomach. If you've read the "Left Behind" books, then you'll understand this: Obama kind of has a Carpathian quality about him. Just ask Oprah (if she hasn't fainted in his presence).
Hmmm...frankly that seems like a not particularly christian thing to do in implicitly linking Obama to Mussolini and Hitler and directly conflating him with a self-acknowledged mass murderer in OBL. You may despise his politics but there's such a thing as going overboard. Just my .02
He believes that the best way to take care of people is to centralize the economy by taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor. That makes him a socialist. He also believes that power needs to be centralized into the hands of the government, which makes him a fascist. That's not my opinion, that's a FACT. Hitler was a fascist. Mussolini was a fascist. The difference between Obama and them is that they were also crazy mass murderers. I don't believe that he is. But why is it that when someone calls President Bush a war criminal, liberals call that "bold." When someone criticizes Obama, liberals get angry and call names like "unchristian?" No, I don't like his politics. But I guess I don't think it's very Christian to criticize me without using your name, and especially with no regard for the truth.
I agree. You may not like the comparison of Obama to other fascist leaders, but the fact is that there is a Cuban flag with the picture of Che Guavera hanging in an Obama campaign office in Texas. It was shown on a CNN story and reshown a thousand times on conservative talk programs like Glenn Beck. If he's not a fascist, why does he consider fascist leaders heroes?
I just happened to catch the last post. I'm in my office during church and saw it. By the way, Reagan Fan, why aren't YOU in church? Anyway, a video showing the campaign office, which is in Houston, can be found HERE.
I forgot that the first time I saw the video it was on Glenn Beck's website. It was originally aired on Fox News Channel, not CNN, which is Beck's employer. You can CLICK HERE to go to Glenn's website and see the original news story (and the Cuban flag with Che Guavera's likeness on it).
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