I know that Obama bin Laden is touting similar plans for federalized health care, but since Hillary cost our nation about $13 million several years ago promising reform, she gets credit for the idea. They have federalized health care in Canada, and the system is failing. As it crumbles in the "Great SWhite North," we are considering fixing it and putting it in place down here. We will get it right, because our government has a history of managing federal programs well (social security, welfare, education, etc.). Man, is there any reason why the rest of the world thinks we're arrogant?
"Brain Surgery"
Anyway, the link above is to an independant video done by a Canadian who wants free market reforms in the Canadian health care and health insurance system. It was sent to me by my good friend David Koontz. I can already hear the objections: "It's one case out of millions. At least the very poor have coverage. Shouldn't we do the greatest good for the most people?" Well, my response to that is, "That's what Karl Marx thought."
Hillary isn't the only Marxist who wants us to be the "New Glorious State." Barry Obama would love nothing better than to see us in bread lines "for the good of the State."
Most of the stuff I post on here is stuff I have been emailed or have found on the internet. For some reason, there doesn't seem to be the "venom" for Obama bin Laden. If he wins the nomination, I'm sure you'll hear much more about him. I'll make sure I give you my unique opinion about him as well.
Is it just me, or is she giving the Nazi salute?
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