Tuesday, April 21, 2009

She Makes Her Daddy Proud!

This is a video of Hannah singing with the high school chorus last Friday (4/17/09) at the spring concert. She is a freshman at North Clay High School in Louisville, IL. For a very small school (about 200) they have a VERY talented music department.

The song is called "What Are You Waiting For?" and was recorded and made popular by Natalie Grant. The shirts with the words on the front were part of a different song, but the idea was to put words of virtue or positive impact that were meaningful to each student on there. Hannah picked the word "modesty," which is a very accurate description of her and the way she acts. Of course, she takes after her mom and is a straight A student, and is active in our church youth group as well. She really does make BOTH of her parents very proud!

You can view the video on YouTube by following this link:
What Are You Waiting For?

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