Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hot or Cold?

Rob’s Ramblings. . . .

Did you hear the one about the company that prints blank bumper stickers? They’re for people who don’t want to get involved. I see a lot of bumper stickers, some of which I disagree with, and others that just plain offend me personally. But even if the person is taking a stand for something that I believe is wrong, at least they’re taking a stand. In the book of Revelation (3:15-16), Jesus told the church in Laodicea, “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” That verse seems to tell us that we are more respectable to God if we’re wrong than if we’re just not involved. The truth is: there’s no such thing as uninvolved. If you’re not involved serving God and advancing the Kingdom, then you’re in the way and helping the enemy.

I hope you have gotten some spiritual encouragement from the messages that Ben and I have shared the last two weeks. I appreciate the opportunity that Bill gave us the share with you from the pulpit. I don’t know if you are aware of it or not, but you have three ministers who love and care about you more than you know. I want you to know that we pray for you and appreciate the opportunity to serve the Lord by serving you. I’ve made my share of mistakes, but they were mistakes made with the best of intentions. The last eleven years of ministry have been the most enjoyable, most challenging, and most spiritually exciting of my life. Thank you for the continued opportunity to serve with you here at FCC.

See You Sunday! Rob

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.