A couple of summers ago, when Hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast of Texas, Luoisiana and Mississippi, there was mass hysteria. People blamed President Bush for the destruction, and even politicians from those states couldn't help but ask for a free piece of the American Pie to help "make things right."
So, with the flooding in Midwestern states, most notably Iowa right now, where is the Hollywood (and Liberal) outcry? I got the following questions in an email, and it kind of made me mad. I guess al of those Iowans (even the black ones) just live in the wrong part of the country.
Very Good Questions
Where are all of the Hollywood celebrities holding telethons asking for help in restoring Iowa and helping the folks affected by the floods?
Where are all the media hounds asking the tough questions about why the federal government hasn't solved the problem? Asking where the FEMA trucks (and trailers) are?
Why isn't the Federal Government relocating Iowans to free hotels in Chicago?
When will Spike Lee say that the Federal Government blew up the levees that failed in Des Moines? Where are Sean Penn and the Dixie Chicks?
Why haven't we heard from the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton, complaining about the plight of the flood ravaged Iowans?
How come the Federal government hasn't handed out free credit cards to displaced Iowans?
Where are all the looters stealing high-end tennis shoes, liquor and big screen television sets?
When will we hear Governor Chet Culver say that he wants to rebuild a "vanilla" Iowa, because that's the way God wants it?
Where is the hysterical 24/7 media coverage complete with reports of cannibalism?
Where are the people declaring that George Bush hates white, rural people?
Where's the stadium that the Iowans have turned into a filthy, crime ridden sty?
How come in 2 weeks, you will never hear about the Iowa flooding ever again?
These are, indeed, very good questions. I guess in a presidential election year the media is too busy telling us why Barack Obama is the savior of the U.S. to ask any of the above questions. And, since it isn't a popular tourist destination that is under water, I guess no one in the "important" places really cares. I wonder if the flooding in Iowa is my fault? After all, I drive a gasoline powered vehicle, I drink water from plastic bottles, I use electricity from coal- and oil-powered power plants, and I voted for George Bush in the last election. Surely this is causing Global Climate Change which is the root of the Iowa flooding. Stay tuned to Hollywood for the "real" answer. . . .
We all know that George Bush didn't CAUSE the hurricane, but he purposely let the city of New Orleans be destroyed because he was angry that the city voted for Gore & Kerry. Those Iowa cow kickers don't need government help because Bush let the National Guard help out- which he DIDN'T do in New Orleans.
Seriously?!!! The reason why Iowans don;t want government help is because we know how to take care of ourselves. The whiners in New Orleans can have the Feds- we just want to be left alone!
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