Friday, February 29, 2008
Poor Hillary
There are very few occasions on which I will agree on ANYTHING that Hillary Clinton says. Certainly not when it comes to her political ideals or philosophical views. But when she claims that there is a move in the press to build up Obama and discredit her, I am inclined to agree. Of course, this is the same woman that claimed that Kenneth Starr was a part of a "vast, right-wing conspiracy" against the President when he was probing whether Bull (I mean "Bill") had lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinski. You can only cry "Conspiracy!" so many times, and she's past her limit. But after I saw the following picture, posted by the Reuters news service on several internet media outlets, I was inclined to believe that there is somthing going on with the media. I think they are under his spell. In the Disney version of "The Jungle Book," you couldn't look into the eyes of the snake or you would be hypnotized and fall under his spell. I think Obama might have learned that trick. The picture speaks for itself so I will offer no commentary, exept to say that you would be labeled a racist if you posted the same pic with Obama as the subject.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Obama bin Laden?

For months, I have been mocking liberal, fascist Senator Barack Obama and his family heritage. Of course he can't help it that his name is "Obama" and that his father was a radical muslim, or even that he got caught refusing to place his hand on his heart during our national anthem (I'm sure it's just an oversight- maybe he doesn't know that's what we do. . . .). And this week, the Hillary Clinton campaign (who doesn't believe in "negative" campaign tactics) released a file photo of Obama in Africa wearing tribal garb including a turban.
I'll be honest with you: I am not really worried about Obama's religious beliefs or whether he'll be easy on the Islamic extremists. He claims to be a Christian, or have been a Christian, or something. Plus, he's much too clever to let Osama bin Laden move into the White House or sleep in the Lincoln bedroom. That room will be taken by Oprah and her minions.

I'm much more worried about what we DO know about Obama: he's a LIBERAL FASCIST. He thinks he's the only one who can save our country, and our world. He thinks that Americans are too stupid to take care of themselves, and he's warming up the white horse right now so that he can ride in and save us from ourselves. If we elect him, he has led us to believe that we will be hopeful again about our future. A future I'm sure that includes a cure to global warming, the end to fossil fuels, vegetarianism, free health care, a gun free/violence free world, and smarter, better looking babies.
This guy thinks that he can take care of me better than I can take care of myself. And, he thinks that he can do that by using the vast power of the United States government. I just hope they can do it with all of the success that congress has handled the House Bank or the federal government has handled taxes and social security. God help us, please!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Random Ramblings. . . .
(From the Flora Christian, February 22, 2008 edition)
Unfortunately, due to sickness, we were unable to have the Leib Family concert a couple of weeks ago. But the good news is that the Leibs seem to be well, and we have rescheduled the concert for Sunday night, March 2, at 6:00 pm in the main sanctuary at FCC. There is no charge for the concert, but we will take up an offering for the Leibs. Let’s show our support for them and fill the sanctuary as full as we can that night. If we have more than 200 in attendance, Ben will shave his legs (not really, I’m just kidding!).
With Valentine’s Day in the rearview mirror, we’re marching toward March. Not only do we have “March Madness” to look forward to, but Easter is also in March this year. Since the holiday comes so early in the calendar this year, I just want to remind you to make plans to attend our Last Supper Portrayal on Thursday, March 20. Once again, 13 men will portray Jesus and His twelve apostles in a historical reenactment of DaVinci’s famous “Last Supper” portrait. We will conclude the portrayal with a communion ceremony served by the actors. Some new faces will depict the characters this year, so be sure and mark your calendars now so you don’t miss it.
As always, you can find information about things going on at FCC by logging on to our website at FCCFlora.com.
See you Sunday! Rob
Unfortunately, due to sickness, we were unable to have the Leib Family concert a couple of weeks ago. But the good news is that the Leibs seem to be well, and we have rescheduled the concert for Sunday night, March 2, at 6:00 pm in the main sanctuary at FCC. There is no charge for the concert, but we will take up an offering for the Leibs. Let’s show our support for them and fill the sanctuary as full as we can that night. If we have more than 200 in attendance, Ben will shave his legs (not really, I’m just kidding!).
With Valentine’s Day in the rearview mirror, we’re marching toward March. Not only do we have “March Madness” to look forward to, but Easter is also in March this year. Since the holiday comes so early in the calendar this year, I just want to remind you to make plans to attend our Last Supper Portrayal on Thursday, March 20. Once again, 13 men will portray Jesus and His twelve apostles in a historical reenactment of DaVinci’s famous “Last Supper” portrait. We will conclude the portrayal with a communion ceremony served by the actors. Some new faces will depict the characters this year, so be sure and mark your calendars now so you don’t miss it.
As always, you can find information about things going on at FCC by logging on to our website at FCCFlora.com.
See you Sunday! Rob
Friday, February 15, 2008
Hillary Care?

I know that Obama bin Laden is touting similar plans for federalized health care, but since Hillary cost our nation about $13 million several years ago promising reform, she gets credit for the idea. They have federalized health care in Canada, and the system is failing. As it crumbles in the "Great SWhite North," we are considering fixing it and putting it in place down here. We will get it right, because our government has a history of managing federal programs well (social security, welfare, education, etc.). Man, is there any reason why the rest of the world thinks we're arrogant?
"Brain Surgery"
Anyway, the link above is to an independant video done by a Canadian who wants free market reforms in the Canadian health care and health insurance system. It was sent to me by my good friend David Koontz. I can already hear the objections: "It's one case out of millions. At least the very poor have coverage. Shouldn't we do the greatest good for the most people?" Well, my response to that is, "That's what Karl Marx thought."
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Super Sunday!
(From the Flora Christian, February 8, 2008 edition)
So, how did you spend your Super Sunday? I guess I’m a little embarrassed that it takes a football game to make a Sunday “super” for most Americans. I mentioned in the 8:15 service on Sunday that Super Bowl Sunday is the second largest “food holiday” of the year in the U. S. (no, my birthday is NOT #1—Thanksgiving is the largest food holiday). Super Bowl Sunday is also the biggest “secular” (not religious) holiday of the year in terms of total revenue generated. I don’t quite understand why this day has become so big, especially when the Dallas Cowboys haven’t been involved since the 90’s. I spent a great evening with members of our FISH group, and Jeff Henson and I both enjoyed the final outcome!
I was glad to be able to share the message in the early service, even though it was on short notice. I also enjoyed listening to the message brought by Dennis Arnold in the 10:30 service. I haven’t heard Dennis preach in several years, and it was a real blessing. I’m not glad that Bill was sick and couldn’t preach, but sometimes when you are pressed into doing things out of the ordinary, you get an unordinary blessing. That’s how I feel about the services on Sunday.
It was also a blessing to be a witness to the obedience of Jake Carruthers as he submitted to Christ in baptism Sunday morning. It has been a joy to see Jake (Deena Mosbarger’s nephew) grow and mature for several years, and I’m so glad I was here to see him take that important step.
The Christian life is often a roller-coaster ride of ups and downs and twists and turns. One thing you can say for sure is that it’s never boring!
See you Sunday! Rob
So, how did you spend your Super Sunday? I guess I’m a little embarrassed that it takes a football game to make a Sunday “super” for most Americans. I mentioned in the 8:15 service on Sunday that Super Bowl Sunday is the second largest “food holiday” of the year in the U. S. (no, my birthday is NOT #1—Thanksgiving is the largest food holiday). Super Bowl Sunday is also the biggest “secular” (not religious) holiday of the year in terms of total revenue generated. I don’t quite understand why this day has become so big, especially when the Dallas Cowboys haven’t been involved since the 90’s. I spent a great evening with members of our FISH group, and Jeff Henson and I both enjoyed the final outcome!
I was glad to be able to share the message in the early service, even though it was on short notice. I also enjoyed listening to the message brought by Dennis Arnold in the 10:30 service. I haven’t heard Dennis preach in several years, and it was a real blessing. I’m not glad that Bill was sick and couldn’t preach, but sometimes when you are pressed into doing things out of the ordinary, you get an unordinary blessing. That’s how I feel about the services on Sunday.
It was also a blessing to be a witness to the obedience of Jake Carruthers as he submitted to Christ in baptism Sunday morning. It has been a joy to see Jake (Deena Mosbarger’s nephew) grow and mature for several years, and I’m so glad I was here to see him take that important step.
The Christian life is often a roller-coaster ride of ups and downs and twists and turns. One thing you can say for sure is that it’s never boring!
See you Sunday! Rob
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