Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What's going on here, anyway?

This is my personal blog. Everyone has to have one, right? I mean, it's nearly 2008, and if you're not bloggin', you're just not tryin', to steal a common catch phrase.

My purpose in creating this blog is two-fold. First of all, I have gotten a few requests for my past columns (from our church newsletter, The Flora Christian) and I don't have a good filing system to reproduce those. (Translation: I don't know where most of them are unless you have a back copy of the newsletter.) Secondly, I often have ideas or opinions for which I have no outlet. Especially when those opinions are of a political nature. It would be highly unprofessional to vent my political opinions in my official capacity as minister at First Christian Church in Flora, IL. Not to mention job suicide in many occasions.

Hence, this blog. It's a personal blog, not supported or financed in any way by the church. The opinions expressed here are my own, no one else's. If you disagree with something I write here, fine-that is your right. If you respond to one of my postings with a posting of your own, fine-that is also your right. If I don't like your response and decide to delete it-that is MY right! I just want to say this: you have every right to disagree with me. You have the right to be wrong if you choose.

I will post all of my columns from the church newsletter here. The newsletter is printed every other week, so the articles will be posted at the same frequency. I will also occasionally post other things which I write for church, such as messages, lessons, announcements, news releases, etc. I will also occasionally post political observations (read: RANTINGS) which will be of a very conservative nature. There, that's FAIR WARNING!!!!!

If you have any ideas or suggestions, email me at

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