Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Audio Devotions

Our local radio station here in Flora, WNOI, has a lot of local programming during the morning hours. One of the unique things they do is have members of the local clergy record devotions that the station plays each morning at between 8:45 am and 9:00 am local time (Central). This week, September 22-26, it was my turn. You can listen to them live, if you wish, by clicking on the WNOI link (then click on "listen live click here").

A couple of people have told me that they have trouble using the live link, so I decided to post them here as well. You can try and click on the link below (it should open the file in your media player and soon you will hear the melodious sound of my voice), or you can download the file to your computer and listen to it. To do this, right-click on the link and select "save target as" and save the file to your computer desktop or somewhere where you can find it. Then open the file from your media player.

Now, as a word of disclaimer: the audio quality is NOT great. I recorde these on a personal digital recorder while in a hotel room on my recent trip to Chicago. I was holed up in my room while Cubs fans celebrated in the streets after their team had just clinched a place in the Nationa League playoffs. I guess not winning a World Series for a hundred years or so makes you happy to have a little success! Anyway, since even the Papa John's delivery man wouldn't venture out and bring me a pizza, I decided to record these devotions (if you listen closely I think you can hear the sound of my stomach growling).

Feel free to provide any feedback you wish, and I'll feel free to delete it if I don't like it!






1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well worth listening to, taking to heart, and putting into action! Thanks, Rob!