I preached the morning message at FCC on May 17, and I was asked to post the audio here. There was a video lead-in to the message, which I will try and post a link for as well. The message is part of a series we are doing entitled, "Standing Tall in Tough Times." My particular topic was stewardship of our resources. I thought the message went over fairly well, and I'm happy with how it all turned out.
To view the video I used, click on the play button below. The video is from "The Lucy Show," and I haven't got any idea how old it is or when it originally aired. If you care about these details, this should give you a great chance to use some of your internet-sleuthing skills.
The link below is to the audio of the message. To listen, you can try and click on the link below (it should open the file in your media player), or you can download the file to your computer and listen to it. To do this, right-click on the link and select "save target as" and save the file to your computer desktop or somewhere you can find it. Then open the file from your media player (i.e. Windows Media Player, iTunes, etc.).
Worthy Offerings (5/17/09) -Rob Clifton