(From the Flora Christian, April 4, 2008 edition)I really enjoyed sharing the message Sunday morning. Preaching is fun, but writing sermons is tough! I am glad to take every opportunity to share with you, but I appreciate how difficult it is to do week after week. Thanks, Bill, for taking care of that task on a regular basis!
Now, in reference to the message I preached, I want to share with you the important information that several of you have been asking me about. You can find the picture of the 2 story outhouse in Gays, IL, by going to this website:
http://www.jldr.com/2storyohgaysillinois.html. Directions to the site are as follows: take IL-16 east to Gays, turn north on Pine St, one block. You can’t miss it. Make sure you take a picture and send it to your friends with the title, “Illinois Rest Area.” I would also recommend visiting a web site called, “Roadside America” (
www.roadsideamerica.com). There’s lots of really fun stuff to see within a relatively short drive of Clay County.
We are still collecting bottles of water to give away to runners at the River to River Relay on April 19. This will give us a chance to minister to all of the runners in the relay. We need to collect about 2000 bottles, and we are only about 10% of the way there. If you would like to help and have difficulty purchasing or carrying the cases of water, give either Ben or me a call and we’ll try to help you out.
It was great to see all of you this week. I know sometimes when I use sarcastic humor that everyone doesn’t appreciate it. I am truly sorry if has ever been offensive to you. One of the best things about being part of the Church is that we are a family. And the best thing about being in a family is the ability to forgive one another—and forget.
See you Sunday! Rob